Last updated on February 9, 2019 by J M Mubasshir Rahman

How to fix Configure entity tags (ETags)

Configure entity tags (ETags) is one of the most common issues for the speed fix of a website. In GTmetrix or Pingdom this error shows if your web server doesn’t configure Etags properly. In this post we will deep dive how to fix configure entity tags or ETags.

What is Entity tags (ETags)

Entity Tags (ETags) is a mechanism of HTTP for web cache validation. It provides a unique id what makes a conditional request to the web server from the browser. We don’t need all request of the web server if we visit the website regularly, by ETags mechanism browser requests to server-specific resources what doesn’t changed and Server sends back cache first then new resources. ETags actually collects data from the server’s cache and provides to the browser.

Advantages of ETags

  • Better caching and faster load times
  • Lower server load and used bandwidth

Disadvantages of ETags

  • Slower load times and caching multiple times the same resource.
  • Higher server load and used bandwidth

Methods for fixing Configure entity tags (ETags)

There are two methods for fixing configure entity tags (ETags). Such as:

  • From Apache config
  • From htaccess

Fix Configure entity tags (ETags) from Apache config

If you have root access of your server or SSH access then open your
httpd.conf. To open your httpd.conf navigate: /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf and add these lines of code:

<Directory /usr/local/httpd/htdocs>

    FileETag MTime Size


Fix Configure entity tags (ETags) from htaccess

If you don’t have SSH access then you can fix configure entity tags (ETags) from htaccess. Add these lines of code in your .htaccess :

Header unset Etag
FileETag none

This will solve your Configure Entity Tags (ETags) problem. If you need any help relates to WordPress Speed Fix feel free to Contact us.

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