J M Mubasshir Rahman | CEO - WP ERR FIX LTD.


  • Founded WP ERR FIX LTD., a top WordPress software company.
  •  Started using WordPress in 2010, with over 13 years of experience building websites.
  • Contributed to WordPress Core and other open-source projects.
  • Achieved Elite Author status on ThemeForest and CodeCanyon, indicating successful product sales and high customer satisfaction.


JM Mubasshir Rahman is widely recognized as a WordPress expert with over 13 years of experience. He started a successful blog to help people solve WordPress problems. Then, he created popular themes and plugins, which led him to become a top author on Envato. Additionally, he has spent a lot of time contributing to the WordPress core team, making the platform better for everyone.

  • How to Optimize Multipurpose WordPress Theme

    Last updated on December 7, 2018 by J M Mubasshir Rahman

    There is so many rumors about multipurpose theme speed optimization. Some say it will slow down your website some say it is impossible to optimize speeds for multi-purpose themes. But all are fake. Today we will show how to actually optimize a multipurpose theme. What is a Multipurpose WordPress theme? Multipurpose theme defines that it…

  • How to Remove Query Strings From Static Resources in WordPress

    Last updated on December 6, 2018 by J M Mubasshir Rahman

    In wordpress speed optimization remove query strings from static resources has became a big question mark. I have seen too many people is complaining about this. CSS files has the version at the end of the URLS; such as site.com/style.css?ver=4.6. Sometimes some proxy caching servers and CDN are unable to cache query strings even you have…

  • 10 WordPress Security Tips for DIY Users

    Last updated on November 30, 2018 by J M Mubasshir Rahman

    In my previous post we shown a comparison of security plugins. I am trying to post everything for DIY user of wordpress. So that you can learn wordpress security and you don't need to hire a wordpress security expert and save your money. With that phase today we will discuss about 10 WordPress Security Tips…

  • Best WordPress Security Plugins Review

    Last updated on November 13, 2018 by J M Mubasshir Rahman

    If you are using WordPress you surely need for Security. WordPress Security is a vast area. In my Previous WordPress Security Post I have shown how to scan a WordPress website. Today I will provide you a review about WordPress security plugins. Like no one else. I will show you review with pros and cons.…

  • Professional WordPress Website Maintenance Yourself

    Last updated on November 11, 2018 by J M Mubasshir Rahman

    WordPress is a very popular CMS. It has a lot of features, functionalities and facilities. It is easy to Maintenance WordPress Website. To Maintenance of WordPress you need to follow some steps regularly basis. Though if you are not a wordpress expert, you don't know coding you can do maintenance of wordpress website. The list…

  • How to Fix the 403 Forbidden Error in WordPress

    Last updated on November 6, 2018 by J M Mubasshir Rahman

    There is so many painful errors in wordpress. One of those is 403 Forbidden Error in WordPress. This error occurs when you have file permission settings are incorrect or your htaccess is corrupted or your plugins are acting weird. This is one of the painful error in wordpress. Your website was up and running everything…

  • How to Optimize Database in WordPress for Increasing Page Speed

    Last updated on November 4, 2018 by J M Mubasshir Rahman

    In Speed Optimization another important part is optimize database. In WordPress there creates so many queries, post revisions and comments. So you have a lot of junks in your database. This junks effects on your wordpress website's speed. So you need to optimize database. In this post I will walk-through with database optimization. How to…

  • How To Minify CSS and JS For Speed Optimization In WordPress

    Last updated on November 1, 2018 by J M Mubasshir Rahman

    Who doesn't want to speed up of his websites. To speed of websites I already told in my previous speed optimization series that Image holds 90% of the website data. What will be after image? You must asked this question in your mind. So, Now I am going to share you what will you do…

  • How to defer parsing of javascript without Plugin in WordPress

    Last updated on October 31, 2018 by J M Mubasshir Rahman

    Loading of website truly depends on JavaScript. Cause if your js is not organized or not deferred you will see a very slower website. Speed is nowadays undoubtedly most important thing. There are a several reasons why you should defer parsing of JavaScript. If you go to google and search how to defer or async javascript.…

  • How To Do WordPress Database Backup

    Last updated on October 27, 2018 by J M Mubasshir Rahman

    Many of the webmaster claim they cannot do wordpress database backup. I thought I should write about wordpress database backup. This post will divided into two section one is Manually another is Automatic. So wrap it up and start! Why you do wordpress database backup If your website got hacked or you are having plugin…